2022 July Rogue River Fishing Report

2022 July, Rogue River Fishing Report, we started our Rogue Bay King Salmon guiding out of Gold Beach Oregon this week. We guided groups for 3 days averaging 1-3 salmon per day which is what we expect for July when the first schools of fall salmon enter the river. That being said, it would be a mistake to characterize this as hot fishing regardless of the pictures.
We got luckier than most and that’s not false modesty. Many excellent anglers and guides ended their days with zero or one fish for a boatload of clients. With this few fish in the bay, it’s really the luck of the draw whether or not you pull your baits across a school of salmon or not.
As we move into August and September, the bulk of the run will enter the Rogue River and catching usually becomes much more consistent for everyone. Gotta love helping young anglers land their first salmon! We only have a few dates open for August and September. Contact us for availability.